Now as the mother of four boys you would think we have had quite a few trips to the ER, but, we havent. Tonights little trip was only our second. The first was when Jacob tripped over and ripped his fingernail out of the nail bed.. that required two operations to repair (I still like to remind Dh of his comment about going to the Er "they'll just put a bandage on and send us home" hahaha)!
Today Ethan crashed his scooter. I'm not sure which freaked me out more.. the mammonth GOLFBALL size bump that appeared on his head within seconds or the fact that he had this weird look on his face and couldn't seem to manage to get his eyes to come out of the side of his head and look at me!
Thankfully we were just 5mins from the hospital. Seems half the city was having accidents as well. There were three teens in there with various broken bones from motorcylce misadventures (note to self.. NO MOTORCYCLES.. no matter how much they BEG me) a skateboarder with a HUGE knee, a mum with, I'm guessing, a broken something in her arm because she emerged 2hrs later with a plaster cast, another teen boy with what I presume was quite a cut to the bridge of his nose judging by the blood soaked cloth he was holding and numerous other INTERESTING people, some of whom didn't seem to have much wrong with them at all and maybe like to just hang out at the ER(dont you love ER's).
Back to Ethan. Apparently it is quite normal for golfballs to appear like that but the disorientation was a bit of a worry and we should probably hang around the ER for a little while to be on the safe side and watch for nausea, vomiting, sleepiness, lethargy, further disorientation etc etc.. here's your icepack. We take a seat, Ethan sobbing that his head hurts, me trying to apply an icepack filled with BIG icecubes in a way that doesn't hurt the lump on his head.. which has started to look a bit smaller thankfully. An hour into our wait Ethan falls asleep, this makes me a little nervous.. but hey we are in the ER. He sleeps for an hour, wakes up and has a little cry, his head hurts, he wants to go home.. he is hungry. I figure hunger is a good sign. We get m&m's to share.
After 3.5hrs he's looking and sounding quite perky (must have been those m&m's) and my mummy instincts are telling me he's going to be just fine and do we really need to wait a probable 2 hours more? We go see the nurse at the desk. She asks him if his head hurts.. he says no.. the bump has gone down quite a bit by now, she says ok you can go, come back if you have any concerns.
We get home and he proudly showed of his bump to the bigger boys, Emma pokes it just to make sure it still hurts.. it does. I took a picture of his bump after we got home, it really doesn't do it justice. Will have to come back and upload it later along with the picture of Zack AFTER he fell in the river.
What a day.