Emma is 4! She was very excited about her birthday this year. When I asked her what she wanted for her birthday she said "Mum I dont know.. its a surprise!!!) lol Here are som pics of her day.
Ethan had an exciting day today. He got to go to his first AFL game AND he got to go onto the ground at half time and play a little game with the other Auskick kids. Wish I could have got some better pics but there was a huge crowed and it was hard to get a good vantage point.
This group were so funny. They were likeHawthorn's own personal cheer squad. One of the guys had bongos and they had this cool little chant thing going. All very enthusiastic.. well they were at the start.. it sort of died out towards the end as it became evident Hawthorn weren't going to win..lol
Ethan turned 6 today! Wow 6 already. I like this age, not a toddler anymore but not yet big enough to know better than me..LOL All he wanted for his birthday was a PSP "like the older boys" so that is what he got. it was also Empire Day (fireworks night for us oldies) so we went bush with some friends and had a bonfire and let off fireworks.. lots of fun!